Compliance Summary |
Compliance Summary Tool
Transportation Modes |
Service Functions |
Regulations |
All Topics |
Please note: This summary is provided to help you understand the regulations. Consult the references provided for links to the full text of the regulations.
Service Functions » Vehicles, Cargo » Maintenance and Cleaning
TERC contains information on the following topics related to maintenance and cleaning:
Applies to: |
Aircraft that provide water for human consumption, and that serve an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily |
Requires: |
Periodic monitoring of aircraft onboard drinking water systems for bacterial contamination, plus recordkeeping and notification requirements |
See also: |
Applies to: |
Any facility carrying out processes that involve cleaning with petroleum-based (non-water-based) solvents, including degreasers and solvent-based parts washers. The regulations also cover the use and disposal of solvent wetted rags to manually wipe soils from the metal surfaces (hand wiping). |
Requires: |
Hazardous waste regulations may apply to storage and disposal; some facilities may need air emissions permits. |
See also: |
Cleaning, Parts Cleaners (Water-based)
Hazardous Waste Determination |
Applies to: |
Any business that generates wastewater that has come into direct contact with a tank or container interior, including tanks on trucks, railcars, barges, and ships |
Requires: |
Permit required for wastewater discharge to environment or to municipal sewage system
See also: |
Cleaning, Parts Cleaners (Water-based)
Floor Drains |
Applies to: |
Any facility that generates, collects, recycles, or disposes of used railway ties. |
Requires: |
Hazardous waste regulations may apply to storage and disposal; some facilities may need air emissions permits.Burning of used crossties in facilities other than cogeneration plants is covered under Federal regulations. Landfill restrictions are generally covered under state and local regulations.
See also: |
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Hazardous Waste Determination
Applies to: |
All transportation operations that own or service air conditioning and refrigeration equipment |
Requires: |
Maintenance of systems must be carried out according to rules designed to minimize the release of ozone depleting substances; rules include certification of technicians, and require corrective action in case of leaks
See also: |
Clean Air Act |
Applies to: |
Any vessel 79 feet in length or greater, except for military and recreational vessels; applies also to any non-recreational vessel under 79 feet that discharges ballast water into U.S. waters |
Requires: |
Vessel owners and operators must comply with requirements that include: assuring their discharges meet effluent limits, taking corrective actions to fix permit violations, and keeping and reporting records of inspections and monitoring data |
See also: |
Ballast Water & Invasive Species
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Ocean Dumping
Vessel Sewage Discharge |