Compliance Summary |
Compliance Summary Tool
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Please note: This summary is provided to help you understand the regulations. Consult the references provided for links to the full text of the regulations.
TERC Compliance Summary Tool -- Water
How many times have you asked yourself -- Do I need a permit? Do I have recordkeeping and reporting requirements adequately covered? Where can I find specific regulatory information for my operation? Who can I contact for more information?
Environmental regulations affect every business that use fuels and chemicals, generates solid wastes, discharges wastewater, or emits air pollutants. How do I deal with all of this?
This tool will help you answer these and other questions you may have. Using the tool you will be able to generate a customized compliance assistance checklist for your vessel and/or on-shore maintenance activities. Just answer each of the questions below and click the "Obtain a Compliance Assistance Report" at the bottom of the form.