Compliance Summary |
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Please note: This summary is provided to help you understand the regulations. Consult the references provided for links to the full text of the regulations.
Transportation Modes » Road » Engine Emissions
Applies to: |
Anyone who owns or operates a Diesel powered vehicle that uses a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system to meet federal engine emissions standards. |
Requires: |
No additional requirements beyond those applying to engine maintenance and rebuilding -- article provides background and best practices information. |
See also: |
Clean Air Act
Engine Tampering |
Applies to: |
Applies directly to vehicle and engine manufacturers and the refining industry, who are required to produce cleaner running engines and diesel fuel. Applies indirectly to the transportation sector by affecting the cost and availability of fuel. |
Requires: |
Heavy-duty engines must meet emissions standards for particulates (soot) and ozone precursors (nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons). Diesel fuel must meet limits on sulfur content. |
See also: |
Clean Air Act
National Clean Diesel Campaign (exit TERC) |
Applies to: |
All trucks operating in or passing through an area where state or local idling ordinances are in force. (There are no federal regulations limiting truck idling. However, more than half of U.S. states and dozens of cities and counties have enacted idling laws or ordinances.) |
Requires: |
Most frequently, idling laws limit the amount of time, in minutes, that a truck and operate its engine while not moving. Many exemptions apply, which can vary widely among locations and states. |
See also: |
Engine Emissions (Truck, Tailpipe)
Fuel Efficiency
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
National Clean Diesel Campaign (exit TERC)
SmartWay Program (exit TERC) |
Applies to: |
All liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel tanks |
Requires: |
Both fuel level and internal tank temperature must be known to calculate how long an LNG tank can avoid venting fuel to the atmosphere.
See also: |
Alternative Fuels
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Applies to: |
EPA's National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC) promotes clean air strategies by working with manufacturers, fleet operators, air quality professionals, environmental and community organizations, and state and local officials to reduce diesel emissions
Requires: |
Recent diesel rulemakings have focused on light- and heavy-duty highway vehicles, nonroad diesel equipment, locomotive and marine engines, and large ocean-going vessels
See also: |
SmartWay Program (exit TERC) |
Applies to: |
Proposed rule applies to manufacturers, sellers, and importers of light and heavy duty vehicles.
Requires: |
Emission rates of greenhouse gases per unit of work performed, averaged over a seller’s entire fleet of vehicles sold, must fall within set limits for each type of vehicle. Limits have been proposed for model years 2027 through 2032, becoming stricter each year as low and zero emission vehicles become more widely available and affordable.
See also: |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Alternative Fuels
Engine Emissions (Truck, Tailpipe) |