Compliance Summary |
Compliance Summary Tool
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Please note: This summary is provided to help you understand the regulations. Consult the references provided for links to the full text of the regulations.
TERC Compliance Summary Tool -- Road
How many times have you asked yourself -- Do I need an operating permit? Do I have recordkeeping and reporting requirements adequately covered? Where can I find specific regulatory information for my facility and in my state?
Environmental regulations affect every business that generates solid wastes, discharges wastewater, emits air pollutants or has the potential to cause environmental harm from stored petroleum products or chemicals. How do I deal with all of this?
This tool will help you answer these and other questions you may have. Using the tool you will be able to generate a customized compliance assistance checklist for your maintenance facility or terminal. First, select the state where your facility is located, answer each of the questions below and click the "Obtain a Compliance Assistance Report" at the bottom of the form.