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Please note: This summary is provided to help you understand the regulations. Consult the references provided for links to the full text of the regulations.
Alternative Fuels -- State Regulations for West Virginia This page contains selected data from the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) at the U. S. Department of Energy. Additional details and the latest updates may be found at the AFDC summary page for West Virginia.
Vehicle Acquisition State agency vehicles ("may require")
The West Virginia Department of Administration may require that up to 75% of a state agency's fleet consist of AFVs. To meet these requirements, agencies may purchase or lease AFVs, or convert existing vehicles to operate using alternative fuels. The Department of Administration may waive this requirement if an agency's vehicles are operating in an area where the agency cannot reasonably establish a central alternative fueling station or the lifetime cost of the vehicle or fueling infrastructure is significantly higher as compared to conventional vehicles or fuels. In addition, this requirement does not apply to law enforcement, emergency, public transit authority, state rail authority, non-road vehicles, or school buses. (Reference West Virginia Code 5A-2A-1 and 5A-2A-2)
Fuel Use School buses
West Virginia higher education governing boards must use alternative fuels to the maximum extent feasible. (Reference West Virginia Code 18B-5-9)
General Subsidy Prohibition
Incentives or subsidies from political subdivisions for the production of alternative fuels are prohibited by law, with exceptions for certain coal-based liquid fuels. (Reference West Virginia Code 8-27A-3 and 11-13D-3D)
Tax Credit (alternative fuel vehicles) An income tax credit is available to eligible taxpayers who convert a vehicle to operate exclusively on an alternative fuel or purchase a new original equipment manufacturer dedicated or bi-fuel AFV. The value of the tax credit is 35% of the vehicle purchase price or 50% of the vehicle conversion cost, up to $7,500 for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) up to 26,000 pounds (lbs.) and up to $25,000 for vehicles with a GVWR greater than or equal to 26,000 lbs. For the purpose of this tax credit, a qualified AFV operates on fuel including natural gas, propane, electricity, hydrogen, and coal-derived liquid fuels. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are also eligible. This tax credit expires December 31, 2021. (Reference West Virginia Code 11-6D)
Tax Credit (alternative fueling infrastructure) An income tax credit is available to eligible taxpayers who construct or purchase and install qualified alternative fueling infrastructure. The tax credit is 50% of the total allowable costs associated with construction or purchase and installation of the equipment, up to $250,000. If the infrastructure is accessible for public use, the credit allowed will be multiplied by 1.25 and the maximum amount will be $312,500, so long as the amount of the credit allowed does not exceed the cost of construction. The maximum tax credit allowed will decrease to $200,000 on January 1, 2014, and to $150,000 on January 1, 2016. Qualified home fueling infrastructure is eligible for the same 50% credit up to, $10,000. For the purpose of this tax credit, qualified alternative fuels include natural gas, propane, hydrogen, and coal-derived liquid fuels. Electric vehicle supply equipment may qualify for the tax credit if it is installed for residential use only. This tax credit expires December 31, 2021. (Reference West Virginia Code 11-6D)
Weight Limit Exemption (idle reduction) Any motor vehicle equipped with qualified idle reduction technology may exceed the state gross and axle weight limits to compensate for the added weight of the idle reduction technology. (Reference West Virginia Code 17C-13A-4)