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Please note: This summary is provided to help you understand the regulations. Consult the references provided for links to the full text of the regulations.
Alternative Fuels -- State Regulations for Delaware This page contains selected data from the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) at the U. S. Department of Energy. Additional details and the latest updates may be found at the AFDC summary page for Delaware.
Vehicle Acquisition State agency vehicles
All new light-duty vehicles state agencies, departments, and offices purchase must be hybrid electric, alternative fuel, fuel-efficient, or low emission vehicles, unless such a purchase compromises health, safety, or law enforcement needs. Additionally, the state must develop procedures for diesel fleet vehicles to use biodiesel fuel blends of the highest percent content that is practical. (Reference Executive Order 18, 2010)
Fuel Use Rate Credit (load balancing)
Retail electricity customers with at least one grid-integrated electric vehicle (EV) will be credited kilowatt-hours for energy discharged to the grid from the EV's battery at the same rate that the customer pays to charge the battery. A grid-integrated EV is defined as a battery-powered motor vehicle that has the ability for two-way power flow between the vehicle and the electric grid as well as communications hardware and software that allow for external control of battery charging and discharging. (Reference Delaware Code Title 26, Chapter 10, Section 1014g)
State agency vehicles To improve air quality and reduce operating expenses from state vehicle use, all state agencies must reduce petroleum consumption by 25%, vehicle emissions by 25%, and vehicle miles traveled by 15% by the end of 2012 as compared to Fiscal Year 2008 levels. This will be achieved through alternative fuel vehicle acquisition, the use of alternative fuels, and implementation of idle reduction measures. (Reference Executive Order 18, 2010)
General Tax (alternative fuels)
Taxes imposed on alternative fuels used in official vehicles for the United States government or any Delaware state governmental agency, including volunteer fire and rescue companies, are waived. Alternative fuel retailers must obtain a fuel supplier's license from the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), and operators or owners of vehicles using alternative fuel must obtain either a special fuel user's license from DelDOT or pay the special fuel tax. (Reference Delaware Code Title 30, Chapter 51, Subchapter II)
Weight Limit Exemption (idle reduction) A vehicle equipped with an idle reduction technology may exceed the state's gross, axle, tandem, or bridge vehicle weight limits by up to 400 pounds to compensate for the additional weight of the idle reduction technology. The additional weight may not exceed the actual weight of the idle reduction unit, and the vehicle operator must be able to prove the weight of the technology and demonstrate that it is fully functional. (Reference Delaware Code Title 21, Chapter 45, Section 4503f)